You can experience a life that is enriched

Urbantree has always strived to offer you the finest lifestyle perfectly blended with the green life. We are committed to designing homes in accordancewith the principles prescribed by the Indian Green Building Council. With Urbantree, you can experience a ife that is enriched with more fresh air and sunlight in a home blesses by nature. Discover a world of harmony and happiness in every home.

Urban Tree Ecospace

Material Efficiency
Urban Tree homes feature large windows with glass panes which restrict heat penetration and reduce the temperature of sunlight entering room.

Water Efficiency
Recycled water from the sewage treatment plant is used for flushing and gardening. Excess rainwater collected from the terrace is used to irrigate vegetaation inside the township.

Energy Efficiency
Effective Placement and large windows lessen the need for electric lighting during the day. Interior walls are gypsum-plastered to reduceoutsideheat being transferred thorugh walls, which maintains room temperature

Waste Management
Urban tree follows eco-friendly waste segregation and disposal procedures. In our townships,we have established large scale sysytems for waste management recycling and reuse.
Enquire Now
Please share with us a few details, and our property specialists will
contact you to understand more about your dream home.