A one-of-a-kind buying experience for

At Urban Tree, we understand that your home buying experience is just as important
as your style of living, and this is why we’ve strived to make it global too.
Tax on Income from
Selling / Renting Property
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever
Capital Gains Tax for
NRIs / PIOs / OCIs
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever
of Funds
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever
of Funds
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever
Indicative List of Mandatory
Documents for Home Loans
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
of the printing and typesetting
ndustry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry’s standard dummy
text ever